What are Ronald Reagan Secondary School’s admissions requirements?
Does Ronald Reagan Secondary School have an age limit?
Can I enroll my child in RRSS if we live outside of the United States?
Do you accept transcripts from foreign countries?
Will previously earned credits transfer to RRSS?
What is your deadline for enrollment?
When will I be able to start if I enroll today?
How long will it take for me to receive my books?
How do I enroll?

If my child receives a RRSS diploma, will he/she be accepted to a college or university?
If my child decided to go back to the public school system, will he/she be accepted? Will RRSS credits transfer?
If I choose RRSS, will my child be able to maintain social contact?
Are the courses self-paced?
Do students receive report cards?
Do you require that students enroll in a full course load or do they have the option of enrolling in individual courses?
How do you work with children who are gifted?
How do you work with children who have special needs?
Can I get my GED through RRSS?
Can students work at an accelerated pace and move on to the next grade?








What are Ronald Reagan Secondary School’s admissions requirements?

Regardless of grade level, students must have a working knowledge of the English language.

Students must have completed eighth grade as evidenced by a school transcript, a homeschooling portfolio, or standardized test scores indicating at or above eighth grade level performance in all subject areas. For students who do not have any other documentation for academic admissions to the ninth grade (e.g., prior homeschool students), the following guidelines will apply:

If a student is 14 years or older, he or she is considered “age appropriate” for ninth grade and may enroll in RRSS’s high school program, using a birth certificate or other official documentation as proof.

If a student is under 14 years of age, he or she must show proof of eighth-grade completion through one of these options:

·         A middle school grade report or transcript

·         A certificate of eighth-grade completion

·         Standardized test scores showing eighth-grade achievement or higher (RRSS recommends the Virginia SOL.)

·         A homeschool portfolio

Students and their families can speak with a counselor to address other circumstances.

Does Ronald Reagan Secondary School have an age limit?

No, RRSS is open to students of all ages. Our mission at RRSS is to help students from all backgrounds and personal situations achieve their individual potential, so we make every attempt to enroll students that are a fit for our program. For further information or to get started, please speak with an Admissions Counselor at (804) 988-0809.

Can I enroll my child in RRSS if we live outside of the United States?

Yes. RRSS has demonstrated success with students from all backgrounds, situations, and geographic locations. If you are taking courses online you will have 24-hour-a-day access to your curriculum regardless of where you live and will receive teacher feedback on exams within 3 business days. If you are thinking of enrolling in RRSS to earn a high school diploma, we need to evaluate how your prior schooling transfers to RRSS. To get this started, mail your transcript — or home school portfolio — to Ronald Reagan Secondary School, 500 Baptist Dr., Chester, VA 23836, or email it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Be sure that your transcript is in English, that it demonstrates a level of work (credits, for example), and that it shows a level of mastery (grades, for example).


Do you accept transcripts from foreign countries?

Yes, please follow these guidelines:

Call or Email RRSS at (804) 988-0809 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to discuss your request and obtain a copy of the transcript evaluation form to complete. E-mail the completed form to admissions@ Reagansecondary.us.

Mail (do not email) true, certified copies of all of your documents along with a $150 fee* (in the form of check, or money order) to convert your transcripts into U.S. educational system credits.

The evaluation process will begin when the transcripts and the fee of $150 are received by RRSS.

Evaluation of foreign/international transcripts can take up to 15 business days depending on the complexity and research required.

Once the evaluation is complete, we will contact you to let you know which credits will apply towards a RRSS diploma. We require students to take a minimum of five RRSS courses (one in each core area plus an elective) in order to graduate from RRSS.

If you have any questions along the way, please contact us at (804) 988-0809.

*The $150 fee covers the foreign/international transcript evaluation. RRSS outsources foreign/international transcript evaluations to ensure quality.  Certified translations are needed for foreign transcripts.  Details are available by calling RRSS.

Will previously earned credits transfer to RRSS?

Possibly. Most credits earned at accredited high schools and homeschool programs transfer into RRSS. Before you enroll, however, mail your transcript to Ronald Reagan Secondary School, 500 Baptist Dr., Chester, VA 23836, or email it to info@ Reagansecondary.us. Our Admissions Counselors will let you know which credits will transfer into our program and which courses you'll need to take from us to earn a RRSS diploma.


What is your deadline for enrollment?

RRSS fits students’ lives by allowing them to study on their own time and at their own pace. That extends to enrollment – feel free to enroll whenever you like by phone, on the web, or by mail. There is no specific time when you must enroll.

When will I be able to start if I enroll today?

If you are taking online courses, you may begin exploring your course as soon as you receive your password from us — normally a couple of days from when you enroll!

How long will it take for me to receive my books?

Your books should arrive 7-10 business days after you enroll; if you enroll in online courses, you can begin your work in a couple of days after receiving a password and access to your courses.

How do I enroll?

There are 2 easy ways to enroll:

·         Call our Admissions office — (804) 988-0809

·         Visit our Online Enrollment System

Download a high school enrollment form.

If you plan to earn a RRSS diploma and already have completed high school coursework, the first step is to forward your transcript from your previous school so that we can evaluate how many of your courses will transfer. Please include your current address and phone number when sending in your transcript. We receive transcripts by email, and by postal mail. (All our contact information is below.)

Ronald Reagan Secondary School

500 Baptist Dr., Chester, VA 23836

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

RRSS will complete a free transcript evaluation to determine which courses transfer to RRSS and which courses remain to be taken toward graduation. We require a student to take a minimum of five courses with RRSS (one in each core area plus an elective) in order to graduate from RRSS. The evaluation will be mailed back to you within seven to ten days along with a RRSS catalog, enrollment form, and payment plan information. We will call you at that point to walk you through the evaluation and the remainder of the enrollment process.

If you have any questions along the way, feel free to call us toll free at (804) 988-0809.

Program Overview

If my child receives a RRSS diploma, will he/she be accepted to a college or university?

A lot of parents have confidence in Ronald Reagan Secondary School because of its demonstrated record of student success. RRSS High School graduates have been accepted to colleges and universities nationwide.

If our prior students are any indication, your child has a great likelihood of getting into college with RRSS.

If my child decided to go back to the public school system, will he/she be accepted? Will RRSS credits transfer?

Although students rarely have any problem transferring RRSS credits back to their local high school, RRSS cannot guarantee that every credit will transfer back to every high school. Should you have a doubt, you should contact your local school official directly or contact RRSS to work with you and your local school officials to determine acceptance of RRSS credits.

If I choose RRSS, will my child be able to maintain social contact?

Absolutely. RRSS students thrive in a learning community, connecting with teachers and other students whenever they wish.

Social contact is a key element within the RRSS learning community. Online courses provide opportunities for students to connect with others through emails and discussion boards.

Are the courses self-paced?

Yes, students can work at any time and complete as much or as little work as they need. There are no specific due dates, so the student is able to work ahead if needed, or spend extra time on lessons that are more difficult. Although the courses are self-paced, students are required to complete each course within 12 months from the date of enrollment. RRSS Plus requires more specific pacing requirements; please refer to the RRSS Plus area of the website for more information.

Do students receive report cards?

Students will automatically receive an Academic Record upon completion of their enrollment but may also request an Academic Record any time.

Do you require that students enroll in a full course load or do they have the option of enrolling in individual courses?

Students can enroll in a full course load or in individual courses.

Students choose to enroll in individual courses for different reasons:

·         To gain experience with online learning

·         To take courses that aren't available in their regular school curriculum

·         To get ahead in their studies

·         To make up for missed classes

How do you work with children who are gifted?

If you want a more challenging program of study, RRSS's innovative, flexible, student-focused education is for you. RRSS students study on their own time and at their own pace, so to the extent that you want to be challenged, the pace of other students is not a factor. RRSS offers advanced courses at the high school level.

How do you work with children who have special needs?

Our program allows students to study on their own time and at their own pace, which helps to accommodate many special situations. In addition, our certified teachers are trained to work with students from a variety of backgrounds and with varying educational needs. However, we recognize that each individual is unique and may have a need that we've not faced before.

If you have a particular situation you are concerned with, your best course of action is to speak with our Admissions Office directly at (804) 988-0809.


Can I get my GED through RRSS?

No, but you can get something that is much more valuable – a RRSS High School diploma. A RRSS diploma is widely recognized by colleges, universities, and employers.

Attaining your RRSS diploma is an indication that you have completed an academic program of the highest standards and qualities.

Can students work at an accelerated pace and move on to the next grade?

Yes. RRSS helps you to reach your individual potential by encouraging you to study on your own time and at your own pace.

Keep in mind, however, that RRSS policy states that you may not complete a course in fewer than eight weeks from the date of enrollment. (This policy is based on a belief that a course of any material value takes a minimum amount of time for the student to properly absorb, apply, and be assessed on the content.) Contact Admissions Office at (804) 988-0809 for more information on working at an accelerated pace.

How much time should parents expect to spend helping their student?

It depends on the individual student, but a parent should expect that students will need help with planning, lots of encouragement, and general oversight.

Parent Support

What are RRSS Progress Reports and what kind of information will I see on the RRSS Progress Reports?

The RRSS Progress Reports are sent out every other week. These reports will give you an update on the progress your student has made

1.      in the last two weeks, and

2.      since they started each course

The progress reports will show you the following information:

·         Original Enrollment Date – Courses are due within one calendar year from the original enrollment date, so please be sure that your student is completing work regularly and on pace to finish the course within 12 months.

·         Last Login Date – The date that your student last logged in to their online course.

·         Number of Logins – The number of times your student logged in to each online course during the reporting period (the last two weeks).

·         Days Since Last Submitted Item – The number of days since your student last submitted work to be evaluated by the teacher. There may be a slight delay of up to three days before submitted work is reported on the progress reports.

·         Score to Date* – The average score earned on all weighted (required) assessments in the course.

·         % of Course Complete – The % of required coursework your student has completed in the course. Practice activities do not count towards the % of course complete.

Who can get RRSS Progress Reports?

Any parent with a student enrolled in our program can receive progress reports. Please call Admissions Office at (804) 988-0809 to ensure that your email address is on file and ready to receive progress reports. Progress reports can only be sent to ONE email address. If multiple people would like to receive progress reports, we recommend setting up a free joint email account that can be shared.


How can I request RRSS Progress Reports?

To receive progress reports, all you need to do is to provide a parent email address that will be entered into the student record. The next time progress reports are sent out after we have your parent email address in our system, you should receive a report.

If you do not receive a progress report for your student within 21 days of enrollment, please contact Admissions Office at (804) 988-0809 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to confirm that we have your correct email address.

**PLEASE NOTE: Progress Reports can only be sent to ONE email address.

When will I receive my first progress report?

Progress reports are sent every other Monday, and you should receive the first progress report on the next report date following the time that you provide your email address to RRSS. Please contact Admissions Office at (804) 988-0809 immediately after enrolling your student to ensure that we have the correct email address on file for progress reports. It should take no longer than two weeks to receive your report.

Who do I contact if I have questions about the RRSS Progress Reports?

If you have any questions about the RRSS Progress Reports, you can send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or you can call our Admissions Office at (804) 988-0809.

What if my student needs more help with a course?

All RRSS courses offer teacher support when students need it. Teachers proactively initiate meetings with students and are available during weekly office hours. Learning coaches provide regular mentoring and assist with course pacing and scheduling, as well as academic intervention when needed.


What is considered a full course load?

For high school students, 5 or 6 credits are considered a full course load.

Do you offer courses that cover half an academic year/half credit?

Most high school courses are available in half credits.

How many hours can a student expect to spend on each course?

Students should expect to spend about 140 hours on a full year/full credit course and about 70 hours on a half year/half credit course. However, students who are gifted in a particular subject may be able to complete a course in less time, while other students might need to spend more time in some courses.

Do the online instructors create their own lesson and assignment resources, or do the teachers use "off the shelf" previously made items created by third party software companies or even another online school?

A high majority of RRSS courses are created by RRSS teachers who are experts in their field. Our lessons and assignments have a very personal "flavor" to them, and they convey the respective teacher's personality, style, and expertise. When courses outside of RRSS are found that have the same high academic standards and fill a need particularly as an elective, RRSS may use them while again adding RRSS teacher material and a Christian worldview.

Which foreign languages do you offer? Can I take a language somewhere else and transfer it to RRSS?

RRSS currently offers French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, and Chinese. These courses are available online, providing you with interactive tools and lessons that are specifically designed to improve your language skills and comprehension abilities. If you have taken language courses somewhere else mail us your transcript and our Admissions Office will work with you to determine if your credits transfer over to RRSS. Should you have questions in the meantime, feel free to call our Admissions Office directly at (804) 988-0809.

How am I graded?

RRSS uses several types of assessments including practice quizzes, short answer and essay questions, objective multiple choice exams, and oral examinations (when appropriate). This mix provides the independent learner with checkpoints to monitor his or her progress through each course. Students are also required to practice various styles of writing to help ensure learning and develop communication abilities that they'll need after high school.

Do I have to take courses in a certain order?

You don't have to, but many subjects are covered through a sequence of courses. Let's use math as an example. Some students will start with Refresher Math, move on to Algebra 1, then on to Geometry, then on to Algebra 2, etc. Students move through courses at their own speed, and then go on to the next level when they're ready. All RRSS courses are designed to balance the introduction of new information with the repetition of learned information.

What are AP courses?

AP courses are offered to high school juniors and seniors in many subject areas including Science, Math, Social Sciences and Language Arts. These courses offer advanced students the opportunity to progress through a course with more challenging homework and exams, beyond even Honors course study. AP exams are administered every spring by the College Board in your neighborhood during the month of May, and through the exams, students have the opportunity to earn college credit and/or advanced standing at most colleges and universities.

What is a proctor?

A proctor is an impartial individual who monitors students while they are taking exams.

It’s important that exams are proctored to maintain the academic integrity of RRSS Online. Knowing that your school cares about fair testing is an assurance of a quality education.

There are special policies and procedures regarding who can serve as a proctor, and how they become eligible.

How do I find a proctor for my exam?

Choose one of the following options when requesting an exam:

·         Find a proctor in your area and submit the Proctor Verification Form. Students MUST verify that the proctor is willing to monitor the exam BEFORE the student requests said proctor. New proctors must be verified before we release exam passwords; please allow 7-10 days for processing new proctor information.

·         Register to take the exam at the RRSS Office in Vienna, VA.

·         Register for online proctoring through the external proctoring agency, Examity. Please visit the Examity Online Proctoring page for more information.

Can my parent, friend or family proctor my exam?

No. To ensure academic integrity, the following individuals are not permitted to proctor exams:


·         Relatives, friends, neighbors, co-workers, or employers of the student

·         Student’s tutor

·         Athletic coach, assistant coach, or athletic recruiter

·         Military recruiter

·         Anyone with a relationship to the student that may result in a conflict of interest in proctoring an exam

For more information about locating an approved proctor, please see Exam Proctoring.

Are there exam retakes?

No, out of fairness to other students and to maintain academic integrity we do not allow students to retake exams.

RRSS Teachers

Does RRSS have certified teachers?

Yes, our teachers are a fundamental part of our school. Parents can have confidence that RRSS’s teachers will help their children achieve their potential.

RRSS faculty members are all certified teachers with an average of seven years of instructional experience. More than 50 percent of RRSS faculty members have earned master's or doctoral degrees in education or areas of instructional specialty. More than 85 percent of RRSS’s faculty members are "highly-qualified" as determined by the criteria established in the federal No Child Left Behind Act.

RRSS takes pride in how its students thrive in a learning community, connecting with teachers, other students, and parents whenever they wish. Some students prefer to engage their teacher in a limited fashion, while others seek a deeper relationship with their instructor.

There are many ways for students to contact their teachers. All students can connect with their teachers by phone or email.

How often can the students interact with the teachers, and how soon will the teachers respond to student questions?

Teacher-Led students can, and are encouraged to, interact with their teachers on a daily basis. There is no quota or other limit to the frequency that students can ask questions, seek tutorials, or otherwise interact with their teachers. Parents also have this direct and daily access to the teachers because they, along with the students, have an account in RRSS. Regarding teacher response time, our policy is that a teacher will respond to a student's question within 24 hours of the question being received, excluding holidays and weekends, of course. Often, the response time is measured in just a couple of hours, if not minutes if the teacher is online at the time that the question is asked. Students and teachers may also initiate real-time text chats within RRSS to discuss topics of interest, but most interaction is done via email messages.

How many times can students contact their teachers?

There is no limit to the number of times you can contact your teacher. It will ultimately be determined by your needs as you manage and organize your studies.

We encourage you to build a working relationship with your teacher that includes instructional support and advice when and if you need it.


Do you offer payment plans?

Each family will have the choice to make their tuition payment in full or set up a pre-scheduled tuition payment plan after completing the application process. This is not a loan program, so no debt is incurred and no credit check is conducted.

Tuition can be broken into three payment types: deposit, upfront payment and monthly tuition.  A deposit must be received to reserve a spot for your student and is non-refundable.  Three payment plans are listed below:




Upfront Payment




Plan 1






Plan 2





9 monthly payments start in August

Plan 3





9 monthly payments start in August


Note: A ten percent discount will apply to each student for siblings who are concurrently enrolled in the same school year or enrolled within one year since an older sibling graduated.  

Do you offer discounts for students enrolled in a full course load?

Yes, please refer to the high school tuition pages.

Does tuition include textbooks?

Not all RRSS courses require a textbook, but whenever a textbook or a workbook is required, it is included in the tuition. Please refer to our course catalog for details.


Are there limits around how quickly or slowly I can finish a course?

Possibly. If you need to temporarily stop your studies for emergencies or medical situations, contact our Admissions Office at (804) 988-0809 or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Does the school have a "residence requirement" for online program?

RRSS does not have a "residency requirement" for online programs.

Are the students allowed to log into the school at any time from any location to do their online work?

Yes, you can log into RRSS Moodle 365 days a year, 24 hours a day from any place in the world that has internet service.


Technical Requirements

What are the technical requirements for online courses?

Computer Hardware & Software Guidelines

Please note that these are minimum requirements. Online courses will work more effectively with higher capabilities.


General Requirements

We recommend the following specifications for our online programs:


Processor: Student computers should have a Pentium IV processor, with a processor speed of 800 MHz.

RAM: Computer memory is directly affected by how many programs are running at any given time. Running multiple applications at once slows a computer’s performance. Therefore, we recommend students have at least 256 Mb of RAM installed.

Sound: A working sound card and speakers will be required. Some programs also require a headset & microphone.

Modem: A 56 Kbps modem may be used; however, we recommend using a high-speed connection such as DSL or a cable modem.

Disk Drive: A CD-ROM drive may be required for some software installation and program materials.

Monitor: A monitor with a minimum 800 x 600 resolution is required. It is recommended that students have a monitor with at 1024 x 768 or more.

Printer: When you login to your online course(s) you will find your syllabi, articles and assignments. The majority of students find access to a printer imperative. While you may feel comfortable accessing documents online, having a hard copy of the course syllabus can prove useful. Also, having the ability to take notes and highlight main points in assigned readings can help you when studying and/or completing research projects.

Disk Space: 2 GB of disk space is required for software installation. Certain software components are required for full functionality of online courses. To run an automatic system check, visit our browser compatibility page.

Internet Browser: Firefox is recommended for viewing all online courses in Moodle. Other Internet browsers include Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Safari.

Word Processor: Microsoft Office is required and is available for free to RRSS students. To access your free download visit the RRSS Software Center.

Operating System: A Windows operating system is recommended, and our learning system works best Windows 7. Desktop versions of Vista and Windows 8 are also supported


Some programs will work on Macintosh OSX platforms. For students using a Macintosh computer, the following specifications should be met along with Safari 5.1:

 Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard)

 Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion)

 Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion)

Plug-ins: The following plug-ins are required for use with our online programs: Adobe Reader, JavaScript, Macromedia Flash Player, Shockwave Player, QuickTime Player, RealOne Player, and Windows Media Player. All of these programs are available free of charge from the manufacturers.


Internet Connection: You will need access to the internet to for your online courses. High-speed internet, such as DSL or cable is strongly recommended. Your internet connection is critical in viewing Tegrity video lectures in Moodle.


Tegrity: Tegrity is the lecture capture software officially supported by the university. Tegrity is used to deliver videos for you to watch online, and is also available for student use when virtual presentations are required. Please visit the link below to see the most up to date information for computer configuration for using Tegrity.


Internet Speed:


Know your "internet speed": Some of RRSS’s online courses use video clips. To watch videos online, a certain amount of data must be transmitted to your computer in a timely manner. The speed that the data can be sent to you is called your "internet speed". YouTube and most other videos are encoded with at least a 256Kbps (kilobits per second) rate/speed.


Here are the approximate speeds of the common types of Internet Service Providers:

 Dial-up internet - 56 bps (from phone co.)

 DSL internet - 768 kbps+ (from phone co.)

 Cable internet - 1,000-10,000+ kbps (from cable co.)