We are happy to answer all of your questions. Below are the answers to some of the questions that might be at the top of your list. Of course we also welcome your phone calls (804) 988-0809 and e-mails.

How do I get an application?

You can download an application from this page. However, students who will need a homestay must initially work with Homestay Coordinator Office to get the applications.

Does Ronald Reagan Secondary School board students or find homestay families?

RRSS does not board international students but will assist placing students in homestays.

Is there financial aid available for international students?

We are sorry, but there is not financial aid for international students at the first year.

Do students need health insurance to attend Ronald Reagan Secondary School?

Yes, all international students must have health insurance. They must also carry expatriation and repatriation insurance. In addition, the health and immunization form must be received prior to the first day of school.

Do you take new international students in the second semester beginning in January?

Generally, all international students are accepted to begin only at the start of an academic year—our fall semester (beginning mid-August). Occasionally, we do accept a few students for the spring semester if they have been in the U.S. schooling system for at least one year, have high grades, and demonstrate excellent written and spoken English skills.

What is the application process for International students?

  • First, there are documents to complete.
  • Complete the application documents including student application, parent statement and student statement in student’s own handwriting. Submit with the non-refundable $100 application fee. Upon acceptance, a $200 non-refundable fee is due prior to the issuing of an I-20 visa.
  • Submit the English and Math teacher recommendation forms to your current teachers and have them faxed to (804) 988-0809 or mailed directly to our office. All recommendations must be submitted in English.
  • Request a copy of official school transcript from your current school and return to our office. All school documents must be submitted in English.
  • Parents should complete the financial disclosure form and return to our office. This step is required by SEVIS to be issued an I-20.

When all documents have been received by the Admission Office, a personal interview will be scheduled with the Director of Admission and/or the Principal using SKYPE technology. Final admission decisions will be made by the admission committee as soon as possible. An acceptance or regret letter will be sent to applicant or agency.

What about the I-20?

When the enrollment fee and contract are received by the Admission Office, the I-20 will be issued. To obtain an F-1 visa, the international student must first be accepted at a SEVIS-approved school, such as Ronald Reagan Secondary School.

Where do I begin in the application process?

You’ll find the Application Process for International Students document at this page for step-by-step information.

Do you have class quotas based on race, culture, or country that you must meet and consider when accepting students to your school?

No, we do not. We accept all students based on their achievement on the placement test in order to determine their academic ability and potential to achieve success in our rigorous college preparatory academic programs.

Where will my child live while attending Ronald Reagan Secondary School?

Students must live with a family member or relative while attending Ronald Reagan Secondary School. International students who are unable to live with a family member (legal guardian), RRSS will locate an appropriate, safe host family for the student.  The host family must be able to provide a warm, welcoming, safe home for the student.

Who will help my child transition to your school?

Upon being accepted to Ronald Reagan Secondary School, the office of the director of admissions will be responsible for assisting the student and his/her family (legal guardian) in obtaining the necessary paperwork (I-20 document) which will permit the student to obtain an F1 visa and travel to the United States to study at RRSS. Travel arrangements to and from school, are the responsibility of the admissions office. In addition to helping students arrive and become acquainted with the school, the school has a director of the International Student Program who is also a guidance counselor for students. The program director works closely with students on a daily basis to facilitate a smooth transition.

Is it possible for international students to earn a college scholarship after attending your school?

Yes. Many RRSS international students have received college scholarships and are studying in colleges of their choice on partial or full scholarships.

What are my payment options?

Each family will have the choice to make their tuition payment in full or set up a pre-scheduled tuition payment plan after completing the application process. This is not a loan program, so no debt is incurred and no credit check is conducted.

Tuition can be broken into three payment types: deposit, upfront payment and monthly tuition.  A deposit must be received to reserve a spot for your student and is non-refundable.  Three payment plans are listed below:




Upfront Payment




Plan 1






Plan 2





9 monthly payments start in August

Plan 3





9 monthly payments start in August


Note: A ten percent discount will apply to each student for siblings who are concurrently enrolled in the same school year or enrolled within one year since an older sibling graduated. 


How do I choose a payment plan and provide my information for automatic payments?


Upon acceptance of your enrollment, you will establish your tuition payment agreement from the options provided by RRSS. Once your agreement is posted and RRSS enters the tuition amount due, you will receive a confirmation notification of your payment amount by email or letter. You must do this in order to complete the enrollment of your student. Payments will be processed until the total balance is paid in full.


How does the applicant obtain an F-1 visa and an I-20 form?

International students must obtain an F-1 visa from their local US Embassy to attend school in the U.S. In order to obtain an F-1 visa, the international student must first be accepted at a SEVIS-approved school, such as Ronald Reagan Secondary School. After the student has been accepted to RRSS, we will issue the student an I-20 form. RRSS will send the I-20 by certified mail courier to the student in their home country. The student must login to the SEVIS website to activate their record prior to the visa interview.

Does RRSS board or find Home Stay families for international students?

RRSS does not board international students but we assist in finding Home Stay families. Some students stay with friends or relatives in the area. Our International Home Stay Program allows students to live with English-speaking, RRSS families who provide support and help students acclimate to the language and culture in a safe and nurturing environment.

What are the responsibilities of the Host Family? 

Host families have a personal interview with our Admissions Team. The family with which the student lives must have at least one adult over the age of 25; married couples are preferred. The guardian should have a Limited Power of Attorney form signed and on file with RRSS so that we can share information related to the student’s progress in our school. The Limited Power of Attorney form should be written to give the guardian the legal authority to make decisions about the student’s health, education and general welfare. Communication, attention and integration are the key ingredients of a successful Home Stay program. Host Families welcome their young guest like a member of the family, talk to them frequently and do all they can to make sure their educational experience at RRSS is a success. On a basic level, the Host Family provides food and accommodation as well as sharing their everyday activities with their guest (meals, family life, family outings).